Nebby Debbie - Yappin' Yinzer Talking Plush Doll
Introducing **Nebby Debbie**, the yinzer doll who knows everybody's business and isn't afraid to tell ya! With a repertoire of classic Pittsburghese, Debbie will keep you entertained with gems like “**Get ahta tahn!**” and “**Jeet jet?**” She’s always ready to remind you, “**Your apost ta put a gumband ahrand it,**” or ask, “**How baht yinz red up dem rooms before cumpanee comes over?**” And of course, she won’t miss a chance to spill the latest gossip with, “**I just saw whatshisname with whatsherface!**”
Officially licensed by our pals at Yappin Yinzer, **Nebby Debbie** is your go-to for a dose of Steel City nosiness. Perfect for the yinzer in your life—just chat when yinz go outside, it’s cold aht der!
Plays 9 Sayings include:
- "Get ahta tahn!"
- "Your apost ta put a gumband ahrand it."
- "Jeet jet?"
- "I ain't payin no hundred dowars fur dat!"
- "How baht yinz red up dem rooms before cumpanee comes over."
- "Yinz better settle dahn!"
- "Sgoinon?"
- "You ain't gonna belivis, I just saw whatshisname with whatsherface!"
- "Chat when yinz go ahtside it's cold aht der today!"
- "I haff to go to da baffroom."
- "Yin ain't apost to be aht, yinz are grahnded!"
NOTE: Please remove the plastic tag from the battery unit (located behind velcro in back of doll) for the unit to work.