Chipped Ham Sam / Nebby Debbie Bundle - Yappin' Yinzer Talking Plush Dolls
Bring home ultimate Pittsburgh charm with our Nebby Debbie and Chipped Ham Sam talking doll bundle! These officially licensed Yappin Yinzer dolls spout all your favorite Pittsburghese, from Debbie's “Get ahta tahn!” to Sam’s “Quit jaggin' ahround.” Each doll has 9 iconic phrases, perfect for the proud Yinzer in your life. Guaranteed to keep yinz entertained—just don’t forget to “red up” before cumpanee comes over! Price includes Free Shipping
Chipped Ham Sam Plays 9 Sayings include:
- "I'm takin' da trawee dahntan."
- "Whatcha yinz doin over der."
- "Nuh-uh!"
- "Come off it for cryin' oht loud"
- "Hauscome yinz ain't wachin da game, Picksburgs on."
- "Jeez oh man!"
- "Quit jaggin ahround"
- "Did yinz jeet yet, I'm gettin hungry for a sammich."
- I'm goin' dan da Sathside da drink some ihrons and dat."
Nebby Debbie Plays 9 Sayings include:
- "Get ahta tahn!"
- "Your apost ta put a gumband ahrand it."
- "Jeet jet?"
- "I ain't payin no hundred dowars fur dat!"
- "How baht yinz red up dem rooms before cumpanee comes over."
- "Yinz better settle dahn!"
- "Sgoinon?"
- "You ain't gonna belivis, I just saw whatshisname with whatsherface!"
- "Chat when yinz go ahtside it's cold aht der today!"
- "I haff to go to da baffroom."
- "Yin ain't apost to be aht, yinz are grahnded!"
NOTE: Please remove the plastic tag from the battery unit (located behind velcro in back of doll) for the unit to work.